12-01575 | 11/16/2012 | Claimant(s): Cheng Teo, Judy Teo Claimant Lawyers(s): Cheng Chai Teo Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): J. Martin McDonough Hearing Site: New York, NY
| | $0 |
12-01553 | 10/17/2012 | Claimant(s): Kenneth Volz, Nancy Volz Claimant Lawyers(s): Kenneth H. Volz, Nancy M. Volz Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Gregory G. Gocek Hearing Site: Chicago, IL
| | $0 |
11-00013 | 10/16/2012 | Claimant(s): Marc Henig Claimant Lawyers(s): Marc Henig Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Christina Kallas Hearing Site: New York, NY
| | Dismissed by Rule 12206 |
12-00498 | 10/03/2012 | Claimant(s): Kirk Baerwaldt and Maxine Baerwaldt Claimant Lawyers(s): Kirk Baerwaldt Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Benjamin F. Breslauer Hearing Site: Las Vegas, NV
| | $0 |
12-01323 | 08/28/2012 | Claimant(s): Simon Shortman, Simon P. Shortman and Rebecca W. Shortma Claimant Lawyers(s): Rose M. Schindler Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Walter P. Hitchcock Hearing Site: San Francisco, CA
| | $0 |
12-00393 | 08/01/2012 | Claimant(s): Ramin Modiri, Tahmineh Modiri Claimant Lawyers(s): Ramin Modiri Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): James S. Martin Hearing Site: San Francisco, CA
| | $0 |
11-02945 | 07/26/2012 | Claimant(s): Fred Prudhomme Claimant Lawyers(s): James A. McGurk Respondent(s): Arnold Janickas, E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Ray J. Grzebielski, Caroline N. Harney, Michael R. Sherwin Hearing Site: Chicago, IL
| | $140,300 |
10-05584 | 05/10/2012 | Claimant(s): Louis Najdzin Claimant Lawyers(s): Peter Nichols Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC, William Velthaus Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Ronald Citron, Alan Shaw, Bernard M. Levine Hearing Site: Newark, NJ
| | Expungement |
10-05820 | 04/27/2012 | Claimant(s): Surendra Gupta Claimant Lawyers(s): Sara E. Hanley Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Frederick Michael Switzer, Robert J. Bohle, David F. Barrett Hearing Site: St. Louis, MO
| | Expungement |
10-04493 | 01/09/2012 | Claimant(s): James Donohue, James L. Donohue IRA, Revocable Living Trust 5/30/2000 Claimant Lawyers(s): Douglas A. Loefgren, James L. Donohue Respondent(s): E*Trade Securities LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): John Bersin Arbitrator(s): Donald Dreyfus, Denise Kathleen Gaines, Aryka Steele Radke Hearing Site: Phoenix, AZ
| | Expungement |