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FINRA Awards for Minneapolis, MN

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Displaying 91-100 out of 148 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
13-0359011/28/2014Claimant(s): U.S. Bancorp Investments.
Claimant Lawyers(s): Brian Murphy
Respondent Lawyers(s):
Arbitrator(s): Kathy A. Tatone, Robert D. Lawson, Mary Ellen McGinnis
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
13-0327811/13/2014Claimant(s): Patrick Kelly
Claimant Lawyers(s): James C. MacGillis
Respondent(s): Sagepoint Financial., American International Group., SAI Deferred Compensation Holdings.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Corporate Office, Gregory M. Curley
Arbitrator(s): Kevin D. Hofman, Jo Anne F. Lewellen, Kathleen Sweeney Tillotson
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
13-0091411/06/2014Claimant(s): Greene Holcomb & Fisher LLC
Claimant Lawyers(s): Beverly J Aho
Respondent(s): ATM Network.,
Respondent Lawyers(s): Bryan R. Battina
Arbitrator(s): Douglas G. Plank, Kathryn J. Hoy, Alain Frecon
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
12-0175410/15/2014Claimant(s): Craig Jarvinen
Claimant Lawyers(s): JD Haas
Respondent(s): Ameriprise Financial Services.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Kristina L. Carlson
Arbitrator(s): Craig A. Gordon, Grant D. Sanders, Mary Ellen McGinnis
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
14-0025310/09/2014Claimant(s): Philip Schouweiler
Claimant Lawyers(s): Ken D. Schueler
Respondent(s): N.I.S. Financial Services.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Larry W. Joye
Arbitrator(s): Kevin D. Hofman
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
13-0292909/23/2014Claimant(s): James Kirk
Claimant Lawyers(s): Christopher P. Parrington
Respondent(s): Frank Mccarthy, Ameriprise Financial Services.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Julie Fleming-Wolfe
Arbitrator(s): Gerald M. Gifford, Emily B. Boote, Robert S. Burk
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
12-0207503/06/2014Claimant(s): Katherine Williams
Claimant Lawyers(s): Christopher P. Parrington
Respondent(s): Daniel Rickett
Respondent Lawyers(s): Donald R. McNeil
Arbitrator(s): F. Chet Taylor, Andrew R. Dick, Phyllis Karasov
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
13-0141202/11/2014Claimant(s): U.S. Bancorp Investments.
Claimant Lawyers(s): Sean Kirby
Respondent(s): Lauren Ganz
Respondent Lawyers(s): Lauren Gail Ganz
Arbitrator(s): Andrew R. Dick
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
11-0405702/07/2014Claimant(s): RBC Capital Markets LLC
Claimant Lawyers(s): Joseph Keenan
Respondent(s): Avalon Partners.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Beatrice Cheah
Arbitrator(s): Renan I. Sugarman, Dennis Roger Ahlm, Laura Kate Wennik
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN
12-0018112/10/2013Claimant(s): Pruco Securities., The Prudential Insurance Co. of America
Claimant Lawyers(s): Lorie Almon
Respondent(s): Terry Sandvold
Respondent Lawyers(s): Thomas Jamison
Arbitrator(s): Daniel D. Hill
Hearing Site: Minneapolis, MN

148 Results
