18-03797 | 05/08/2019 | Claimant(s): Beth Rowlett, Christy Camp, Clifford Camp, Earl Davis, F. Fowler, Janet Davis, Kent Kebert, Lynn Kebert, Maynard Bryant, Michael Borne, Samuel Williams, Susan Brooker, Wormser Financial LLC, Estate of Lavoy J. Reed, Alan B. Platkin Credit Shelter Trust, Harold and Judy Wormser RLT 2/1/50 Claimant Lawyers(s): Donald L. Ferguson Respondent(s): Pershing LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): Jeffrey J. Chapman Arbitrator(s): Hearing Site: Jackson, MS
| | $1,430,750 |
18-00651 | 05/07/2019 | Claimant(s): Aubrey Sanford, Beth Rowlett, Chasidy Lenoir, Christy Camp, Clifford Camp, Earl Davis, Edward Simmons, Emma Smith, F. Fowler, Howard Kerce, Janet Davis, Janice Jeffrey, Kathryn Rheiner, Kent Kebert, Lynn Kebert, Mark Friloux, Maynard Bryant, Michael Borne, Richard Rheiner, Robert Spring, et al Claimant Lawyers(s): Scott D. Hirsch Respondent(s): Pershing LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): Jeffrey J. Chapman Arbitrator(s): Langfred W. White, Mauricio Arcadier, Avery B. Goodman Hearing Site: Jackson, MS
| | $1,430,750 |
17-02830 | 11/06/2018 | Claimant(s): Beth Rowlett, Carter Towne, Donna Lester, James Thannum, Janice Jeffrey, Judy Wormser, Margaret Bryant, Mary Jo Kearfort, Robert Burns, Steve Beaulieu, Thomas Scherer, Vicki Currie, Virginia Scherer Claimant Lawyers(s): Scott D. Hirsch Respondent(s): Pershing LLC Respondent Lawyers(s): Jeffrey J. Chapman Arbitrator(s): John P. Cullem, Patricia Best Vital, Robert Stewart Barney Hearing Site: Memphis, TN
| | $0 |