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FINRA Awards for Gregory Hasho

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Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
04-0676303/01/2010Claimant(s): Carol Bach, Daniel Bach, Daniel Bach c/f Marisa Serefina, Daniel Bach IRA, Daniel Bach SEP IRA, Jonathan Bach, Eric Bach & Daniel Bach, Olga Bach & Daniel Bach, Steven Bach, Laura Bach & Daniel Bach
Claimant Lawyers(s): Kevin J. Begley
Respondent(s): Anthony Calascione, Darren DeLuca, Dominick Bianco, Gregory Hasho, Joel Podelsky, Kenneth Rodgers, Lawrence Balzano, Lizy Chandy, Thomas Francis, Thomas Tiernan, Continental Broker-Dealer Corp., Wexford Clearing Services
Respondent Lawyers(s): Anthony Joseph Calascione, Craig Riha, Darren DeLuca, Dominick Bianco, Gregory Mumtaz Hasho, Joel S. Podelsky, John R. Braatz, Kenneth Rodgers, Lawrence Balzano, Michael Clements, Thomas Paul Francis, Timothy Feil
Arbitrator(s): Joseph R. Lally, Robert S. Getman, David Denison
Hearing Site: Newark, NJ
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06-0000408/25/2008Claimant(s): Jeffrey and Alexia Hamilton
Claimant Lawyers(s): Christopher B. Jones
Respondent(s): Dennis Donnelly, Gregory Hasho, Lawrence Donato, Lizy Chandy, Michael Clements, Vincent Bonato, Continental Broker-Dealer Corp., Gregory M. Hasho Voting Trust, NF Clearing.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Compliance Officer, Gregory M. Hasho, Michael G Shannon, Michael G. Shannon, Michael Clements, Scott Wassmuth
Arbitrator(s): Linda Gelfand Leibig, Arthur J. Giacomarra, Melinda S. Milberg
Hearing Site: Boston, MA
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