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FINRA Awards for Shanon Ford

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Displaying 11-12 out of 12 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
12-0072904/09/2013Claimant(s): Irene Kochendorfer
Claimant Lawyers(s): John Bender
Respondent(s): Philip Pizelo, Shanon Ford, William Swayne, Pacific West Securities., WMS Financial Planners
Respondent Lawyers(s): Chance Hodges
Arbitrator(s): G. E. Craig Doupe, Richard L. Warner, Charles Scott McClellan
Hearing Site: Seattle, WA
Checkmark IconExpungement
08-0424305/06/2011Claimant(s): Kenneth Willenson, Layton Property.
Claimant Lawyers(s): Timothy A. Canning
Respondent(s): Mark McCloskey, Philip Pizelo, Shanon Ford, William Swayne, Pacific West Securities.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Chance A.E. Hodges
Arbitrator(s): Herbert H. Neuer, Robert F. O'Keef, Gerald J. Thain
Hearing Site: Milwaukee, WI
Checkmark IconStipulated Award and Expungement

12 Results
