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FINRA Awards for Mauricio Arcadier

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Displaying 21-22 out of 22 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
08-0427909/17/2009Claimant(s): Samuel Plesser
Claimant Lawyers(s): Lee H. Schillinger
Respondent(s): Jason Laing, Suntrust Investment Services.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Frederick S. Schrils
Arbitrator(s): Melvin Jarolem, Mauricio Arcadier, Bart Samuel Cohodas
Hearing Site: Boca Raton, FL
Checkmark IconStipulated Award and Expungement
06-0441411/21/2007Claimant(s): Rosalind Drabin, Henry and Rosalind Drabin
Claimant Lawyers(s): Scott L. Silver
Respondent(s): J.P. Morgan Securities
Respondent Lawyers(s): April M. Chung
Arbitrator(s): Melvin Jarolem, Raymond W. Snow, Mauricio Arcadier
Hearing Site: Boca Raton, FL
Checkmark Icon$571,495

22 Results
