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FINRA Awards for Andrew D. Gowdown

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Displaying 2 out of 2 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
15-0023510/24/2016Claimant(s): Estate of Daniel Drummond
Claimant Lawyers(s): Andrew D. Gowdown
Respondent(s): Charles James, Wells Fargo Advisors
Respondent Lawyers(s): Stephen M. Cox
Arbitrator(s): Robert A. Dean, Dana Tait Sandlin, Richard James Igou
Hearing Site: Columbia, SC
Checkmark Icon$5,988
13-0239005/15/2015Claimant(s): Ann McCorquodale, Knox McCorquodale, Rex McCorquodale
Claimant Lawyers(s): Andrew D. Gowdown
Respondent(s): Terry Chilton, Chilton Financial Services., Terry Chilton Financial Services, L.P.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Cory S. Reed
Arbitrator(s): Jack Chapline Vaughan, Allan R. Lazor, Daniel Stephen Dexter
Hearing Site: Houston, TX
Checkmark Icon$1,172,250

2 Results
