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FINRA Awards for Robert Henry Van Zandt

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Displaying 2 out of 2 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
12-0015608/07/2013Claimant(s): Charles Roberts, Frank Rodriguez, Renee Swanston, Vera Jacobs, Joanne and Nichole Jelenek, Joseph and Sonia Fajar, Steven and Renee Parker
Claimant Lawyers(s): Adam Gana
Respondent(s): Robert Van Zandt
Respondent Lawyers(s): Robert Henry Van Zandt
Arbitrator(s): Harold Webb
Hearing Site: New York, NY
Checkmark Icon$2,827,540
12-0392005/13/2013Claimant(s): Dean Wiltshire, Jerret Brantley, Pauline Rhiney
Claimant Lawyers(s): Adam J. Gana
Respondent(s): Robert Van Zandt
Respondent Lawyers(s): Robert Henry Van Zandt
Arbitrator(s): Gregory J. Getz
Hearing Site: New York, NY
Checkmark Icon$52,762

2 Results
