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FINRA Awards for Edgar Smith

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Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
09-0068310/05/2010Claimant(s): Carolyn Howard, Charles Ryrie, Christy Dauphin, David Dauphin, Edgar Smith, Elizabeth Anthony, Henry Hamman, J. Harris, John Garrett, Nan Garrett, Vance Miller, William Goodwin, HSMCO., The Ryrie Foundation, Claire Hannah Howard Trust, Henry S. Miller 1989-1 Irrevocable Tr, Matthew John Anthony Trust, Steven Charles Anthony Trust
Claimant Lawyers(s): Paul J. Dobrowski
Respondent(s): Morgan Keegan & Company.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Stephen C. Carlin
Arbitrator(s): Gary D. Danna, Oren L. Connaway, Stacey L. Barnes
Hearing Site: Houston, TX
Checkmark Icon$9,185,340

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