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FINRA Awards for Samuel Williams

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Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
18-0379705/08/2019Claimant(s): Beth Rowlett, Christy Camp, Clifford Camp, Earl Davis, F. Fowler, Janet Davis, Kent Kebert, Lynn Kebert, Maynard Bryant, Michael Borne, Samuel Williams, Susan Brooker, Wormser Financial LLC, Estate of Lavoy J. Reed, Alan B. Platkin Credit Shelter Trust, Harold and Judy Wormser RLT 2/1/50
Claimant Lawyers(s): Donald L. Ferguson
Respondent(s): Pershing LLC
Respondent Lawyers(s): Jeffrey J. Chapman
Hearing Site: Jackson, MS
Checkmark Icon$1,430,750

1 Results
