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FINRA Awards for Alan M. Rosen

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Displaying 11-12 out of 12 results
Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
08-0331709/14/2010Claimant(s): Abraham Ifrach IRA, Shoshana Ifrach IRA, Ifrach Family Living Trust #1, Ifrach Family Living Trust #2
Claimant Lawyers(s): Martin L. Horwitz
Respondent(s): Shlomo Eplboim, Eplboim, Poutre & Co.., First Montauk Securities Corp., Maxxtrade.
Respondent Lawyers(s): David Schneidt, Robert I. Rabinowitz, Shlomo Eplboim
Arbitrator(s): Robert A. Lombardi, Alan M. Rosen, George Frederick Garris
Hearing Site: Los Angeles, CA
Checkmark Icon$85,061
08-0429105/26/2010Claimant(s): The Selan Family Trust dd 8/25/95
Claimant Lawyers(s): Philip M. Aidikoff
Respondent(s): Citigroup Global Markets.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Elizabeth H. Lindh
Arbitrator(s): Alan Stamm, Alan M. Rosen, Constance Ellen Boukidis
Hearing Site: Los Angeles, CA
Checkmark Icon$550,880

12 Results
