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FINRA Awards for Ted E. Gaty as TTEE for the Allenne G.

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Case Number Award Date Case Summary Customer Case? Amount Granted
09-0413512/17/2010Claimant(s): Annabelle Gaty, Jo Ann Caudill, Ted Gaty, Allenne G. Hatch, Indiv & as custodian, Craig Caudill, Ted E. Gaty as TTEE for the Allenne G.
Claimant Lawyers(s): Mark E Maddox
Respondent(s): Morgan Keegan & Company.
Respondent Lawyers(s): Kathryn R. Eldridge
Arbitrator(s): Tim V. Young, Allan Weiss, James A. Morrow
Hearing Site: Indianapolis, IN
Checkmark Icon$29,822

1 Results
