The allegations read: S-17-2258-19-sc01 - thomson financial advisors llc; lindsay thomson; and brendan shaw - statement of charges
on march 12, 2019, the securities division entered a statement of charges and notice of intent to enter order to cease and desist, to deny future registrations, to impose fines, and to charge costs ("statement of charges") against thomson financial advisors llc, lindsay thomson, and brendan shaw (collectively, "respondents"). The securities division alleges that respondents violated rcw 21.20.702 and rcw 21.20.020 when they placed a washington state investor in unsuitable investments related to options trading. Further, the securities division alleges that respondents violated rcw 21.20.020 when they failed to disclose to a washington state investor the speculative and high-risk nature of their options trading strategy. The statement of charges gives notice to respondents of the securities division's intent to enter an order to cease and desist from violating the securities act of washington, to deny any future securities registration applications that respondents may file in the future, to impose fines, and to charge costs. Respondents have a right to request a hearing on the statement of charges.